On this page you find the following:
About Nordic Sailing Federation
Group G-Northern Europe
Nordic classes
Nordic Championship
Organize a Nordic Championship
The presidency and the office of the Nordic SF varies every two years between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in the following order:
2023-2024 Norway
2025-2026 Estonia
2027-2028 Denmark
2029-2030 Latvia
2031-2032 Sweden
2033-2034 Lithuania
2035-2036 Finland
2037-2038 Norway
In addition countries have responsibility for administrating the following tasks:
Denmark: Basecamp / Youth talent development/ Nordic One-design Classes
Finland: Nordic Championship medals and collecting NoM results
Norway: Nordic Champion League / Big Boat racing
Sweden: Accounting / Website/ Archive
Iceland: Special seminars
Estonia: Nordic Sailing Calendar
Latvia: Summer Youth Camps
Lithuania: Race Officials Development
Nordic Sailing Federation, was formed as Scandinavian SF at a meeting in Oslo April 16, 1915. The fedreation was in the beginning Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The first important task was the preparation of a new measurment rule, the so-called S-rule, which would replace the old R-rule, which was abandoned 1916.
In 1919 IYRU (then ISAF and now World Sailing) formed a new international measurment rule, in part based on the S-rule which then became redundant.
The three Scandinavian countries had already experienced the advantage when it meant to act as a bloc in international forums. This was further highlighted when Finland joined the Scandinavian Sailing Federation 1920. Iceland came in the mid-1980.
World Sailing Group G was also identical to Scandinavian SF. When Estonia became independent in 1989 Group G expanded with Estonia, and since then has Scandinavian SF and Group G joint meetings.
In order to match the countries in the federeation the federation changed name to Nordic Sailing Federation and World Sailing Group G - Northern Europe in 2010.
1944 Scandinavian SF took the initiative to design and develop the Nordic Folk Boat, which today is one of the most active keel boat classes in Scandinavia. The dinghy Flipper was a Scandinavian class in 1970 - and 1980's. Both 2,4mR and Zoom 8 started out as Scandinavian classes before they became recognized as then WS international class.
Nordic SF is responsible for the Nordic Championship (NoM) for juniors and seniors. Junior Nordic Championship (JNoM) is arranged under a certain rotation of the member countries.
One of the main functions of the federation today is the common strategy for the decision of the World Sailing, WS, which the federation has two locations in the WS Council. Group G member countries over the years has had a significant influence on matters of WS.
The Nordic countries represented in the WS has been significant in the history, both at top level in all committees. King Olav of Norway was his death Honorary President of WS, now holds the position of King Harald. Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark is elected to the Events Committee.
Peter Tallberg from Finland were ISAF President 1986-1994, and in 2004 was elected Göran Petersson, Sweden, to the President for a 4-year period.
In most committees are representatives from the Nordic countries, also has a high proportion Int Judges, Umpires and Race Officers.
Nordic Sailing Federation is also World Sailing group G Northern Europe
Group G has two places in World Sailing council. These places are selected by the Nordic SF.
In the period 2021-2024 the group G representatives are Annika Ekman (SWE) and Ulfur Hrobjartsson (ISL).
Nordiska Folkbåten